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in Open Science by (725 points)

I wonder why publicly-funded grants do not systematically demand from the recipients that code and data to be released, and results/papers to be publicly accessible. (put aside data that raise privacy issues)

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by (215 points)
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Some do. 654321

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This requirement has become much more common in the past few years; I suspect a combination of institutional inertia and uncertainty regarding the best long-term archival options has thus far arrested its progress. At least NSF and NIH both require *some* form of data plan now.

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by (185 points)
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In the UK, [this is now the case](http://www.rcuk.ac.uk/research/datapolicy/) as the default policy from the major public research funders. This is being driven by a number of things: public investment should lead to public knowledge, being able to validate results more easily, and better ability of business to innovate.

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1 Answer

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by (190 points)

Because there has not been a strong enough push to require it and some researchers prefer to keep code/data confidential. This is currently a topic of discussion at the national level led by organizations such as EFF. This is hopefully a situation that will soon change for the better.

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