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in Open Science by (2.8k points)

Open science is still rather new as a concept to many researchers, funders, research administrators, science journalists, educators, students, librarians, publishers and others, as well as the wider public.

It has however been around for a while, so a range of materials have already been produced to introduce specific audiences to the topic, e.g. the Wikipedia articles on open research and open science or Michael Nielsen's TEDx Waterloo talk.

If you know of such materials, please post them here (one answer per resource), ideally with some comments, e.g. on target audience, strengths, weaknesses and topicality. The answers will inform an initiative that is exploring to build an Open Science 101.

24 Answers

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by (525 points)

Open Science Training Initiative - Shuttleworth-funded initiative from 2013 by Sophie Kershaw (Stilettoed Mathematician) ad colleagues.

Website: http://www.opensciencetraining.com/index.php

Material available on Github: https://github.com/StilettoFiend/OpenScienceTraining

License: CC BY


4 like 0 dislike
by (525 points)

Software Carpentry with a very focused scope: https://software-carpentry.org/lessons/

3 like 0 dislike
by (525 points)

Data Carpentry with data-centered focus: http://www.datacarpentry.org/lessons/

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by (525 points)

Working Open Workshop material by Mozilla Science Lab: https://mozillascience.github.io/working-open-workshop/

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by (40 points)

Initial steps toward reproducible research (a minimal tutorial) http://kbroman.org/steps2rr

liscence: CC0

2 like 0 dislike
by (525 points)

Less of a concrete material collection, but in 2014/2015, open science training was addressed by the OKF. Here's a summarizing blogpost (Jenny Molloy): http://science.okfn.org/2014/12/21/open-training-for-open-science/

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by (525 points)

There is an older Mozilla Science Pad with a worked out open science curriculum: https://old.etherpad-mozilla.org/openScienceCurriculum

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by (525 points)

Open Science Resources by provided by the FOSTER OPEN SCIENCE project: https://www.fosteropenscience.eu/foster-taxonomy/open-science

  • mainly blogposts, talks, presentations
  • includes a taxonomy that might be helpful to sketch the open science educational resource language (maybe a handy addition to the research cycle model mentioned by Daniel/RIO Journal to be used as a basis for the "Open Science Travel Guide")
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by (525 points)

Material provided by the Finnish Open Science and Research Initiative, which was funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland:

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by (30 points)

The book Open Science, Open Issues. There are chapters covering several aspects of openness in science, and a final chapter on guidelines for institutions.

1 like 0 dislike
by (525 points)

Collaborative Replications and Education Project (CREP) at the Centre for Open Science: https://osf.io/wfc6u/

...is a replication project where students are encouraged to conduct replications as part of their courses.

1 like 0 dislike
by (525 points)

UNESCO’s Open Access (OA) Curriculum: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/media-services/single-view/news/unescos_open_access_oa_curriculum_is_now_online/#.VTeUCcf-Bjf

  • 4 Modules for Library Schools
  • 5 Modules for Researchers
Material available as PDFs with CC BY-SA.
by (2.8k points)
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I think we should try to focus on open science here - open access is already covered in many other places.
by (525 points)
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In general I agree. However, some of the material can be useful to look at (e.g.  the material on Intellectual Property rights).
by (200 points)
0 0
I also agree Open Access has been covered extensively, however for me it's also a central part of Open Science and at least we can provide links to resources.
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by (525 points)

Open Science Guidelines by the TU Delft, as developed following the 2014 memorandum where "...Open Research as a stepping stone towards Open Science was approved by the Executive Board."


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by (200 points)
edited by
The Open Science and Reproducible Research course
by Christie Bahlai (she's a Mozilla Fellow for Science, https://mozillascience.org/fellows)


Has a focus on open data and statistical computing language R.

There's also a talk to this material: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1vzCDqYf7YjcCDnD0rtz4Mwemf1lOP6yjx_OANiMKJJM/edit?pref=2&pli=1#slide=id.p
1 like 0 dislike
by (200 points)
101 Innovations in Scholarly Communication

A collection of tools focused on scientific publishing (discovery, writing, publication), but also analysis and outreach.

by (525 points)
0 0
Here also the raw collection of well-known 400+ Tools and innovations in scholarly communication by Bianca and Jeroen: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KUMSeq_Pzp4KveZ7pb5rddcssk1XBTiLHniD0d3nDqo/edit#gid=0
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by (200 points)
OARR: Open Access and Reproducible Research Compendium

 A wiki colleciton of philosophies and practices representing the state of the art in open access and reproducible research.

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by (200 points)

Nonprofit to provide peer-reviewed textbooks and digital learning tools (college and K-12).

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by (200 points)

Author Carpentry (from Caltech library)

Develops and teaches scientists skills in preparing and submitting research contributions for public dissemination, whether by self-archiving in a pre-print server or university repository or by peer-reviewed journal or referreed book. The ultimate vision is to teach researchers to produce and curate the Scientific Paper of the Future: crafted as fully open, executable, reproducible, reusable contributions ready to be built upon by others.


Porting the material to GitHub is currently in progress.

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by (200 points)
Talks on Open Science

There are a couple of talks from Konrad Förstner on Open Science with a CC-BY license:

I also did a small one in my lab:

I'm sure there're lots more out there.

These might be reused.
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by (200 points)
Digital Skills and Scholarship for Researchers

Post-graduate course at the University of Auckland. Can be used individually and for a semester course.

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by (200 points)
1 like 0 dislike
by (20 points)

Project "Science 2.0 and Open Science in Higher Education".
So far, we collected issues on a checklist and discussed with colleagues at the OER camp in Berlin in Feb this year:

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by (525 points)

Helpful glossary by the folks of Right to Research Coalition: http://www.righttoresearch.org/resources/openresearchglossary/

1 like 0 dislike
by (210 points)

The book Opening Science.

Ask Open Science used to be called Open Science Q&A but we changed the name when we registered the domain ask-open-science.org. Everything else stays the same: We are still hosted by Bielefeld University.

If you participated in the Open Science beta at StackExchange, please reclaim your user account now – it's already here!

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